This Article covers COMMON and DIFFICULT interview Questions for financial planners with answer format.


Financial Planner Interview Questions

Difficult Questions:

  1. How do you keep clients updated with financial plans?
  2. Do you have any regulation experience like CFP, CFA, or CPA?
  3. Describe the role of a financial planner in business and how it helps a business to grow?
  4. Tell us about your skills that are not mentioned in CV?
  5. How did you deal with negative remarks?
  6. Can you elaborate on your tax strategy approach?

Basics Questions:

  1. Which qualities do you have?/ What are your limitations?
  2. At which place do you see yourself in the future years?
  3. What’s your last job leaving reason? / What you hate or like least about your last job?
  4. What’s your salary expectations?
  5. How you manage boring and uninteresting task?
  6. What’s your motivation/ incentive?


Financial Planner Interview Answers


1. How do you keep clients updated with financial plans?


Interaction and communication with clients are very important So in order to communicate I use multiple Meeting apps, Email, Phone, or mostly choose those means by which the client is happily satisfied to share and receive multiple details with minimum effort.



2. Do you have any regulation Experience like CFP, CFA, or CPA?


Yes, I‘ve [a CFP certification] which help me to provide financial services while maintaining industry regulatory requirement. [CFP certification] makes me a complete Financial planner because it requires extensive study, experience, and ethics to pass.



3. Which qualities do you have?/ What are your limitations?

Question Info:

It’s the most common question in which the majority of freshies get stuck because everyone has some weakness so you can’t say I don’t have any weakness and you also cannot say your weakness which is somehow related to your job So getting onto the answer.

From this Question, the Recruiter is checking.

  • That you are honest.
  • Weakness related to job.


Answer 1- I can’t say don’t know how to say NO [you can explain by combining it with your personality].

Answer 2- I got nervous while giving a presentation in front of new people whom I never met before.





4. At which place do you see yourself in the future years??

Recruiter checking

  • Your Goals.
  • Your Intent of Thinking.

In the future, I would be in a more senior and commanding position in [Organization Name] with more Skills set to offer the [Organization Name/ Company ] to become the market leader and would have maximum expertise in managing the company portfolio.



5. Elaborate your tax strategy approach?


Tax strategy is an important part of financial planning So I use [multiple ways] to reduce taxes Like credits, Investments in tax saving options, charitable donations, and many more. [ Add more if needed].



6. Describe the role of a financial planner in business & how it helps a business to grow?


A financial planner helps organizations to achieve their financial goals. In which they grasp the company all financial situation and make a roadmap with multiple increasing asset strategies for the organization OR a client to boost their wealth which solves tough financial conditions and creates multiple opportunities.



7. Tell us about your skills that are not mentioned in CV?

Question info:

A person tries to write their best skills in the CV but whenever a recruiter asks that kind of question makes us blank so first try to be confident and give the answer


Answer 1- [You’ve/ I] Trained interns in the last job and those interns progressed a lot and are still progressing and perusing in those skills that they’ve learned from me


Answer 2- [if you are good at any sport you can give any story like] you’ve managed to create a team [in a game eg Pictionary ] and win the tournament with them held in your last firm.



8. What’s your last job leaving reason/

     What you hate or like least about your last job?

Answer Format:

So, in the interview, you never have to say anything negative about your coworkers or any other employees and never blame any other person completely because that’s considered a bad practice and would lead to interview failure. So just Try to tell


That you are always keen on opportunities and new market trends and I feel that my last organization was unable to completely fulfill this requirement.

The tip for this question is to be short and precise don’t dig into the answer otherwise the conversation will lead to a negative part itself.



9. What’s your Motivation/ Incentive?

Question info:

The majority of people never work for free everyone has some goal directly or indirectly, and majorly goal is related to money So

Answer format

Try to mention in your answer that You are motivated to get new life experiences, a healthy and Happy life, and to become a comfort & protection for your family.



10. How do you manage boring and uninteresting tasks?

Question info

The major reason for leaving the job is people getting bored at their jobs or getting uninteresting because of repetitive tasks

Answer format

To convince a recruiter how you manage boring tasks you have to [add] That you enjoy repetitive tasks because that helps you to become an expert and afterward it becomes easy and handy.



11. How did you deal with negative remarks?

Everybody learns from failure and that failure leads to negative remarks which is a reality.


For learning and succession implementing feedback is important it helps me to improve and grow it’s a part of development and I’m always comfortable with criticism and negative remarks because after that I try again for a better outcome.



12. What’s your salary expectations?

It’s considered as a Hardest interview question

Answer preparation:

So, before the interview do your research about the company and competitive organizations paying for this role

Answer format- So, start like your expectations are [the current price in the market or which you have searched on the internet] and with that start, you have to tell what you can bring to this organization with this salary.




We’ve provided the best answer samples or formats for financial planners So you can read them make your answer with the same format and add your story to those answers.

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